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Firm Value Conference 2023

Jalsovszky, Concorde MB Partners, Vállalatépítés.hu and Dutcham organised their traditional autumn firm value conference again this year.

The focus of this year's sold-out event was how to strengthen and increase company value during an economic downturn. Tamás Móró, chief strategist of Concorde Értékpapír Zrt, Gábor Szendrői, managing partner of CMBP, Ákos Baráti, senior lawyer and tax advisor of Jalsovszky, Zoltán Krausz, corporate development expert and László Bárány, owner of Master Good Group shared their views and experiences on the topic. In addition to analysing the expected economic outlook, they sought answers to the questions of what are the main pillars of valuing companies in the current situation, how to grow in such a situation and what are the efficient and safe company structures to be developed in times of crisis. The presentations were followed by lively and valuable discussions with active participation of the audience.

See you next autumn!

Participants supported the work of the Amigos for Children Foundation from the conference participation fee.