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Our LegalTech toolkit expands

A classic problem in any law firm is that contracts, clauses and know-how accumulated over the years lie waste and cannot be searched effectively. So, most of the time, we’re forced to rely on the memory of the lawyer sitting next to us when writing a contract, to see “if he’s seen a similar document" and can give us a sample. This means that we often end up doing work that we’ve done several times before and writing a clause that we’ve written several times before.

This is solved by an application called Henchman, which is now built into our procedures. The program can search existing documents in a matter of seconds – arrange, and if necessary, dust off precedents that may have arisen in a contract from years ago. Clauses can also be evaluated and labelled, so you can more effectively select the text you want to use next time. After a testing phase, we will be able to use the program in live mode in our daily work from April.

The new program perfectly complements our contract automation process based on Legito’s system and will not only increase the efficiency of our legal work, but will also make the process of writing contracts more enjoyable.