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Jalsovszky Summer Academy – with 370 participants

Together with Arsboni, we held our online Summer Academy for future lawyers during June and July. Our goal was to bring the everyday life of lawyers closer to law students. The presentations covered the most important topics of our office-life, including venture capital investments, banking transactions, the beauty of tax consulting, tactical elements used in litigation. Legal Tech. Students who successfully completed the tests after the webinars received a certificate , while Arsboni provided free CV consulting and photography for the participants.

A total of 370 people registered for one of the 5 academy webinars. Venture capital investment proved to be the most popular, being followed live by 158 people. The lecture series ends with a personal office visit for the new Jalsovszky mini-graduates in September.

Anyone who may have missed the lectures can still register on the Arsboni website until August 31 2022 to watch the recordings.