
tag: corporate tax

‘Au naturel’, or packaged within a company? – The dilemmas of buying property

Ákos Baráti | 10 November 2016
Ákos Baráti

Back in the day, buyers and sellers were better off selling shares in a company with possession of the property, rather than the property itself; but over the years, legislators have chipped away steadily at the benefits of acquiring property through a company purchase. Contrary to common belief, however, buying real estate through a company can still bring a number of tax advantages; and the range of these is set to expand from January of next year.

The blessing of the auditor is no guarantee

Ádám Fischer | 6 September 2016
Ádám Fischer

As it is commonly known, the calculation of the corporate tax liability of Hungarian enterprises is based on the accounting figures. But a nasty surprise could lie in store for those who believe that they can apply the principles of accounting recognition fully in the course of calculating corporate tax.

After the facelift – here is the BEPS-proof Hungarian intellectual property tax regime

István Csővári | 18 August 2016
István Csővári

In order to bring Hungarian tax law in line with OECD’s recommendations delivered in “Action 5” of the “BEPS-package”, Hungary’s special tax regime on intellectual properties has been amended as of 1 July.

The hidden treasure – many software developers do not exploit their tax benefit

István Csővári | 29 January 2015
István Csővári

Software developer companies fall under a very favourable corporate income taxation in Hungary. Moreover, their income is local business tax exempt. Surprisingly, however, most of such companies are not aware of their beneficial status, losing billions of forints as a consequence.

The family grows bigger - the definition of related parties got expanded

István Csővári | 18 November 2014
István Csővári

The recently adopted tax law changes significantly expand the definition of related parties. As of 2015 not only those companies will qualify as related parties which are connected in their ownership chain, but also those with an overlap in their management. As a result, the number of transactions where parties have to apply arm’s length pricing will increase. The new definition may, however, cause uncertainties as well.

Who is this blog addressed to?

The law is constantly in flux. While many people may find this intimidating, for us it’s precisely what makes it so exciting. We’d like to share this attitude with businesspeople and managers, and with those who just have an interest in business law, in the form of a regularly updated blog that discusses the latest tax law and commercial law issues in an accessible style. Feel free to send your questions and suggestions for topics you’d like us to cover to blog@jalsovszky.com.


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