
tag: corporate tax

R&D Tax Credit – How to Make Your Tax Liability Zero

Zsóka Erdősy | 8 August 2024
Zsóka Erdősy

The new R&D tax credit has been in place for over half a year, and soon businesses involved in innovation will need to decide whether they will pay taxes under the new or old tax credit scheme at the end of the year. However, due to the complexity of the regulations and the interplay between various incentives, making the right choice is often far from simple.

Tax relief on royalties for software developers: broader than you might think

Anilla Gondi | 16 December 2022
Anilla Gondi

A widely applied business model among software development companies is providing software development services for other businesses. Few of these companies know that they can still claim tax relief in this case too, just as they would be able to if they were developing software for their own purposes.

The big, beautiful member’s loan…

Anilla Gondi | 20 October 2021
Anilla Gondi

The most common form of corporate financing among owners is still the member’s loan. But many forget that while granting a member’s loan is relatively easy, it hides several ticking time bombs – as a recent Supreme Court decision confirmed. Fortunately, there’s already a risk-free capital contribution option. 

Henceforth taxpayers are required to “indict themselves”

Tamás Fehér | 24 February 2021
Tamás Fehér

First reports under DAC6 were due recently from those who are parties to a cross-border transactions. Concurrently, at the last possible moment, the Hungarian Ministry of Finance published a Guide on certain issues related to the fulfilment of the reporting obligation. It is advisable, in particular, for accountants, consultants, lawyers and banks to carefully study this 38-page document, as any of them could easily fall within the scope of the reporting obligation.


István Csővári | 21 October 2019
István Csővári

Hungary is an ideal location for international tax planning. Below we summarize the 5 most important features of the Hungarian tax system that can make the country attractive for international investors and public and private multinational groups.

A favourable tightening of the rules? The rules on thin capitalisation are changing

Ákos Baráti | 10 January 2019
Ákos Baráti

Due to an EU directive adopted last year, certain rules on corporate tax are changing with effect from 2019 – including the provisions on interest deduction due to “thin capitalisation.” Although the purpose of the directive was to defeat tax avoidance and tighten up the tax regulations, the new rules on interest deduction are actually becoming more of a blessing than a curse for businesses in Hungary.

To be continued? There’s still demand for setting up companies abroad

István Csővári | 16 January 2018
István Csővári

While efforts to hunt down offshore companies may appear to be yielding results, there’s been no slackening of demand for setting up companies abroad. However, tax avoidance and tax evasion, as the primary motives for doing so, are giving way to other objectives.

Hungary makes a brave move in international tax competition

Ádám Fischer | 14 December 2016
Ádám Fischer

While Hungary has long been a preferred place in international tax planning, with a flat 9% corporate tax rate recently introduced, the country has arrived to the forefront of the competition. Adding also the absence of withholding taxes, the participation exemption both on portfolio holdings and intellectual properties, coupled with all benefits of an EU–compliant tax legislation, Hungary is destined to become a popular place for tax experts.

Who is this blog addressed to?

The law is constantly in flux. While many people may find this intimidating, for us it’s precisely what makes it so exciting. We’d like to share this attitude with businesspeople and managers, and with those who just have an interest in business law, in the form of a regularly updated blog that discusses the latest tax law and commercial law issues in an accessible style. Feel free to send your questions and suggestions for topics you’d like us to cover to blog@jalsovszky.com.


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