
tag: data protection

October 18: Another Cyber Deadline on the Horizon

Gábor Kerekes J. | 6 December 2024
Gábor Kerekes J.

This year, the most frequently mentioned buzzwords in the IT sector are "cybersecurity" and "compliance." This is due to the NIS2 directive, which is being uniformly introduced across the EU, and the tasks associated with it span the entire year. Moreover, in just a few days, Hungarian businesses must move past the second phase as well.


Dóra Ágnes Nagy | 24 April 2023
Dóra Ágnes Nagy

Under a law passed by Parliament yesterday, all companies with more than 50 employees will be obliged to have a whistleblowing system in place from December. Employers with 250 employees cannot wait any longer, as they will have 60 days to implement the system. The question is, of course, whether companies will see the regulation as another unnecessary administrative burden or whether it will trigger an avalanche of internal investigations.

Home delivery – on a bumpy road

Levente Bihari | 7 May 2020
Levente Bihari

With in-store shopping often relegated to a secondary role, online forms of trading have come to the fore of late. Nowadays, merchants that don’t adopt web commerce solutions alongside or instead of their physical stores can find themselves at a distinct disadvantage in the market. It’s worth bearing in mind, however, that besides implementing various IT developments and having to organise home deliveries, running a webshop requires some major preparatory work in the legal area as well.

Who is this blog addressed to?

The law is constantly in flux. While many people may find this intimidating, for us it’s precisely what makes it so exciting. We’d like to share this attitude with businesspeople and managers, and with those who just have an interest in business law, in the form of a regularly updated blog that discusses the latest tax law and commercial law issues in an accessible style. Feel free to send your questions and suggestions for topics you’d like us to cover to blog@jalsovszky.com.


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