
ECJ lends a helping hand to non-established persons seeking VAT refund

Tamás Fehér | 21 May 2024
Tamás Fehér

According to the decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union of 16 May 2024 (C-746/22), the Hungarian rule that does not allow foreign taxpayers in VAT refund cases to submit their documents even in the appeal procedure is contrary to EU law. We have summarised the key lessons learned from the case which was handled by our office.

The Hidden Pitfalls of Transfer Pricing

Péter Barta | 13 May 2024
Péter Barta

In the audit practice of the Hungarian Tax and Customs Administration (HTA), the audit of transfer pricing is gaining importance. Moreover, the relevant regulations are becoming more complex with each passing year. As the deadlines for transfer pricing documentation approach, it is worth reviewing what hidden pitfalls should be avoided when preparing documentation and providing data.

Community Financing - Dying Opportunity or the Future of Fundraising?

Zsombor Gere | 25 April 2024
Zsombor Gere

One of the measurable success stories of the fintech revolution is how donation and subscription-based community financing has become an alternative to traditional fundraising methods such as classical bank financing or venture capital investments. From this rapid development, it follows that there is a less uniform picture in the public consciousness about the phenomenon of "crowdfunding." How many forms are there? Which ones are regulated? Who are the actors in the process? What regulations apply to it? How are they taxed? Among many clarifications to be made, the main question, however, is whether specialized crowdfunding service providers for this purpose will emerge in Hungary as well.


Can I secretly record a business meeting?

Péter Barta | 19 April 2024
Péter Barta

As technology advances, it becomes easier and easier to record any conversation. Today, anyone with a smartphone can easily record business meetings - even in secret. There are many reasons for making a secret recording: for some it may be a security measure to avoid disputes, for others it may be an ulterior motive to use it later. But is it legally permissible to make an audio recording in secret? And what are the consequences of using a secretly made audio recording in a civil or criminal case?

61! – A record number of taxes in Hungary

Dániel Veres | 11 March 2024
Dániel Veres

As we move into yet another year with the special surtaxes in effect, the question justifiably arises: for how much longer will the extra-profit taxes, those labelled initially as temporary, encumber the Hungarian taxpayers’ declarations. Also, businesses now have to face additional burdens, such as the EPR fees, the carbon quota tax or the global minimum of the corporate income tax. 

Cryptocurrency Investments: What should I call you?

Ádám Boross | 21 February 2024
Ádám Boross

The decision of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on January 10 has stirred significant attention, as it granted approval for the listing of certain products based on Bitcoin on the stock exchange. The impact of this decision on the European and American securities markets, and whether similar steps will be taken, depends largely on the details – including the names assigned to cryptocurrency-based products.

FDI Approval: the rule that does not disappear, just keeps changing

Ágnes Bejó | 21 February 2024
Ágnes Bejó

Since COVID, we have been living with a rule that makes the acquisition of ownership by foreigners in certain Hungarian companies operating in strategic sectors subject to government approval. Although we can no longer speak of a state of emergency, the rule is expected to stay with us for long – albeit with several modifications along the way, as happened in January this year.


It's everywhere, yet unseen: open-source software

Gábor Kerekes J. | 10 January 2024
Gábor Kerekes J.

Nowadays, we use software even when we're not aware of it, as everything from cars to smartwatches and household appliances, without exception, is operated with the help of some software or application. However, few people know that in the development of any software, there is a good chance that open-source software is used. Open-source software offers excellent solutions and an inexhaustible knowledge base, but its legal implications are far from clear.

Who is this blog addressed to?

The law is constantly in flux. While many people may find this intimidating, for us it’s precisely what makes it so exciting. We’d like to share this attitude with businesspeople and managers, and with those who just have an interest in business law, in the form of a regularly updated blog that discusses the latest tax law and commercial law issues in an accessible style. Feel free to send your questions and suggestions for topics you’d like us to cover to blog@jalsovszky.com.


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